Eliminate Stress When Moving

Moving is one of the most stressful things you will ever have to do in your life. Along with the emotional turmoil of having to say goodbye to friends who may have become more like family, there is stress created by the actual packing and moving.  To keep stress levels under control, follow these easy tips.

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While you may be an expert at throwing things in a suitcase for a quick weekend holiday, it is important to give yourself time to move. While it is not always possible, experts suggest that you give yourself 12 weeks to move. Get a journal and keep a to-do list of things that you need to accomplish. As early as possible, hire furniture removals in Melbourne.  As soon as you locate your new home, obtain a floor plan as this will help you decide what you need to keep and what you want to donate to others.  Create a file or a programme on your computer where you keep a list of all your moving expenses, along with a place to keep moving receipts. If you had agreed to complete repairs on your current home when you sold the home, then hire a contractor to get those tasks done.


Everyone accumulates clutter, but there is no need to move that clutter to your new home. The best way to declutter your home is to get some boxes. Start in one room and decide what you want to keep and bring to your new home, what you may still need in your current home, what you need to give away, and what you need to throw away. When you finish with a box that you are going to give away, put it in your vehicle and get rid of it as soon as possible. Now, get a notebook, a pen, and a marker. Write a number on the outside of the box, and write the contents down in the notebook. That way, if you need an item before you move, you will know exactly where to find it. Furthermore, when you get to your new home, it will be much easier to get organised.

Ask for Help

Many people think that moving is a lonely affair, but it need not be that way. Most people have moved at least one time in their lives. They understand the stress of packing and moving, and are willing to help when asked. A great way to get people to help is to throw a moving party for your best friends. They can help you sort through your things and help you decide what to give and to keep. As you laugh together about the things that you find, you will build memories that last a lifetime. After all, you are just moving, not giving up on your friendships.

Many people find moving a stressful event. While you cannot get rid of all of the stress, it is much easier to handle when you give yourself time, declutter your life, and ask for help.

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