Importance Of Mathematics In Other Branches Of Science

Mathematics is used throughout all fields like Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology etc. It is also an interesting subject that is thought to students right from the early days of schooling till you choose your area of study in High school. This also has a history but not from single country but from various places. Mathematics evolved around 600 to 300 BC during which the Ancient Greeks started systematic study of the same. There has really been direct mapping between Science and Mathematics.

The word Mathematics comes from the Greek which, in the ancient Greek language, means “thatwhich is learnt” along with also “study” with “science”, but in current trend Greek just “lesson”. The research and scientific works from Physics, Chemistry everywhere the analysis and reasoning of the accurately derived units are from basics of numerals and mathematical units.

Mathematics and Shortcuts:

All the competitive exams include mathematics as a main area for selection process. Understanding mathematics is simple but implementing the process in quicker way needs smart thinking, which can be obtained only through continuous practice. Competitive exams are based upon the quickness of solving the problems.

Vedic Mathematics:

This is a mathematics book which contains list of mental calculation methods for quick and easy way of calculation. There are around sixteen techniques mentioned in this book. This book explains about the various arithmetic tricks rather than explaining mathematical methods.

Algebra in Mathematics:

Algebra, Calculus (Differential and Integral), Trigonometry, Geometry, Probability and statistics are the major branches or portions that are covered under high school maths. Algebra involves arithmetical calculations involving non-numerical mathematical objects known as variables. For Example consider the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0. Here a, b, c is variables and x is the unknown value. Solving the equation will result in the value of x while value of a, b, c are assumed and substituted with minimal value.


Calculus is the branch of mathematics involving study of change. There are two major branches of calculus Differential calculus and Integral Calculus. Both these branches are related to each other by fundamental theorem of calculus. Calculus is widely used in various branches of science, Engineering and economics.


This branch of mathematics involves the study of lengths and angles of triangles. According this branch of maths if length and angle of one side of a triangle is known the value of other sides can be determined. Fourier transforms and Series involves usage of Trigonometry as base. This branch of maths is widely used in astronomical study to measure distance between stars and in geography to measure distance between land areas.


Geometry is the branch of maths involving the shapes, length, areas and volumes. It is mainly considered as the study of shapes. Dimension and position form the basics of geometry. They can be classified into two plane geometry and solid geometry. Few examples of geometrical objects are point, Line, square and cube. A point has no dimension while a line is single dimensional, square is two dimensional and cube is three dimensional.

Online Tutoring:

There are several websites providing online tutors for various subjects, due to the complexity of the subject and increased competition. Scoring good marks is becoming important. High School maths is one of the most important subject requiring online tutors since this becomes the base for subjects like engineering astronomy and many other branches of science. A good score in Mathematics is important for proceeding higher education since maths becomes an integral part of subjects you choose. It may be engineering, Economics, Physics, chemistry or any other subject. There are several sites providing online tutors for various subjects which have made learning more reliable.

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