5 Effective Ways To Generate Leads For Your Construction Business

Right now the construction industry is booming. As the housing market comes back from the brink of collapse, many homeowners are looking towards builders to make their dream home a reality. However, because of this boom, there is a lot of competition, which man make generating leads a challenge. So, how do you generate leads for your construction business in a housing boom? Well, it takes a combination of resourcefulness, creativity and hard work – oh, and lots of handshaking too. Ideally, you want to reach out far and wide – and even towards previous customers who may want additions to their home or an expansion. Here are five effective ways to generate leads for your construction business.

  1. Network, network, network. Networking is one of the key facets of being able to drum up business for your construction company. No successful entrepreneur or business owner would be where they are today if they didn’t network. In your city or community, there are plenty of opportunities to reach out to people. Visit community events, town hall meetings and more. You may even want to become friendly with the local municipal government to see if you can secure some contracts.

  2. Use the power of social networking. Doesn’t your construction business have a social media page? If it doesn’t, you need to drop everything you are doing and start one or two accounts on the most popular platforms, like Facebook and Twitter. You want to use social media to reach out to potential customers. On your social media pages, simply feature photographs of past work, updates and maybe even a video. If you really want to make your social media front successful, you’ll want to open a new position for a social media manager. Having someone on deck at all times is important if you want to really connect with people.

  3. Create a newsletter list and stay in touch with past clients and new clients alike. Building a newsletter list is incredibly important, because it will allow you to reach out to previous customers. What happens if one of your customers wants an addition to their home? By staying in touch with your old customers, your company will stay fresh in their minds.

  4. Speak to people in the biz and let them know your company is ready to complete projects. Meeting with people in your industry and keeping them in your coterie can really help to drum up business. You should be looking far and wide for these people – from owners of equipment rental companies to electricians. For instance, if you look online for Salt Lake City crane rental or Grand Rapids excavation, you will find plenty of companies that you can potentially “partner” with.

  5. Direct mail marketing. Another great way to generate leads is to blanket your geographic area with direct mail flyers. There are many companies that you can use that will create your postcard for you and send it out – all you have to do is wait for the phone to ring. In the end, the wider your net, the more business you will catch.

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