Expanding Your Business: Making Space For New Hires

With your company’s list of clients rapidly expanding, making some new additions to your team is the only way to keep up with the ever-increasing workload. Welcoming new employees into your office can be a profoundly rewarding experience for any business owner. Unfortunately, since many small businesses are hard up for space, finding room for your recent hires can prove troublesome. So if space limitations have made you unable to accommodate new employees, consider the following tips.

Switch to Cloud Hosting

In the quest to free up office space, cloud hosting is one of your foremost allies. By entrusting your company’s databanks to a reliable hosting company, you can save a tremendous amount of money and space. Not only are in-house servers bulky and expensive, they eat up space that could be used for new workstations. In addition, keeping your servers running 24/seven can easily add several hundred dollars to your office’s power bill each month.

Alternatively, a trusted cloud hosting service will charge you an affordable flat-rate fee for data storage each month. This fee is generally determined by how many gigabytes of data you’ll be storing on their servers. Many cloud hosting companies offer clients convenient pay-as-you-go plans, meaning you won’t have to worry about being locked into an annual contract. As an added bonus, most companies won’t charge you a penny for data relocation. If you’re overwhelmed by the abundance of cloud hosting companies that have sprung up in recent years, remember that none of them hold a candle to the cheap cloud server hosting by ToggleBox.

Introduce Shared Offices

As space becomes increasingly scarce at many companies, office managers have embraced the practice of shared offices. While certain employees may be apprehensive about having another person in their workspace, this situation can’t be avoided in many cases. It isn’t unusual for one person to occupy an office large enough to accommodate as many as three people. So if your office is running low on space, assigning multiple employees to a single office may be the answer to your problem. Despite the amusing situations depicted on workplace sitcoms, sharing an office can often help employees form a strong sense of camaraderie.

Clean Out Storage Space

It’s no secret that most offices contain a number of cluttered storage closets. In addition to being disorganized, these closets are often chockfull of unneeded documents and outdated computer equipment. Instead of allowing this space to be wasted, take this opportunity to clean it out. With your storage closets free of clutter, you can turn them into tidy new offices. As an added bonus, your company can finally be rid of years’ worth of useless junk.

When making room for new employees, space-strapped business owners may have to think outside the box. After getting rid of your bulky in-house servers, doubling up on offices and clearing out your storage closets, your business will then be primed and ready to accommodate eager new team members.

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