How Has CQC Been Used In 2020?

People worldwide consider the year 2020 the worst they experienced so far.  It is because of the deadly virus killing nearly 1.5 million people worldwide. In the UK, over 59,000 people are dead because of it despite the government and CQC’s sincere efforts.  As CQC is responsible for the British people to get high quality, effective and safe medical care, it did commendable work during 2020.  

For whom and why is CQC registration required?

CQC or care quality commission registration is mandatory for all hospitals, care homes, dental, and general practitioners to operate in the UK.  It is an executive non-departmental public body set up by the British government in 2009.  It conducts surprise inspections and continuously monitors the quality of medical care to the British people.  CQC registration will help in getting top ranks for better service for hospitals, dental, and general practitioners.   

The ways of using CQC in 2020

Thousands of British people were dead because of the deadly virus in April 2020.  But only with the help of CQC registration by many health providers to get help from the British government, the killings were reduced to hundreds of deaths during May and June.  And from July to October, the deaths were in two digits. It is because of the many ways of using CQC in 2020  that includes.

IPC review in acute hospitals

CQC assured good IPC or inspection, prevention, and control across eleven key areas by acute hospitals.  By analyzing the outcome of ESF or emergency support framework, CQC calls between its inspectors and the acute hospitals to find how they assure carrying out the IPC norms.

PPE guidance

PPE or personal protective equipment was one of the major concerns due to the pandemic.  CQC, with its ‘COVID champions,’ ‘PPE safety officers,’ ‘donning & donning and doffing buddies and videos,’ helped people be up-to-date and ensure compliance using PPE kits. It also overcame the PPE shortages with many measures.

Taking care of medical providers

CQC took good care of the wellbeing of the medical providers by many measures.  It includes providing ‘wobble rooms,’ which are quiet rooms for staff to take time out from the hectic pandemic schedule.  CQC provided psychologists in some trusts to counsel the team and also dermatology support for damages for PPE. Controlled the visitors’ entry and took care of COVID-19 patients.

In 2020, there were many changes in the CQC registration and notifications 2020 due to the pandemic.  It also brought new guidelines for COVID-19 tests, diagnosis, and screening procedures for TDDI or treatment of the disease, disorder, or injury. The COVID-19 second way now in the UK is increasing the CQC registration to safeguard the people even beyond 2020. 

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