How To Remove Deep Wrinkles On The Décolletage?

Even with a really good facial and neck skin care regimen, not paying enough attention to your décolletage will make it succumb to aging and sun damage. Lines and wrinkles can form in your décolletage, especially since this area is really sensitive.

Several products can be used to pump up the skin on your chest and make the lines on your décolletage disappear. Using these products every day will ensure that future damage can be prevented. However, deep wrinkles on the décolletage may need clinical treatments.

Creams and Pads

  • Some creams and beauty products are specially designed to ensure supple-looking décolletage. Similar to the eye, facial, and neck creams out on the market, these creams are specifically designed to target the aging of your décolletage. Apply a wrinkle cream from a brand that you trust on your chest each day and you will see results at some point.

Not all creams are made similarly. Some creams can give you results in a short time, while others can remove wrinkles from your décolletage over a longer period. Choose products containing active ingredients including alpha hydroxyl, retinol, vitamin C, kinetin, and coenzyme Q10 since these are the ingredients found to have anti-aging and smoothing properties.

  • If you are looking for more intensive treatment, then try décolleté pads instead of creams. As long as you buy décolleté pads from reputable brands, these self-adhesive strips can even be used to heal scars aside from making your wrinkles vanish. These strips can stimulate the collagen along your neckline so the area will look smooth and plump.

Intensive Treatments

If your décolletage area already has deep wrinkles, creams and pads can help minimally. You will need a more intensive treatment such as Botox. Getting a Botox procedure done can certainly help.

  • Botox. Botox may be widely known to reduce facial lines and wrinkles but this method is also used for deep wrinkles along the décolletage area. Wrinkles on your chest can certainly vanish in no time if you choose this clinical treatment. Botox can inhibit the contractions of muscles and smooth out wrinkles in the chest area.

If you decide to get a Botox treatment, make sure that you only approach and choose licensed clinics and professionals. Botox can help you achieve youthful looking décolletage as long as you visit doctors who know what they are doing and not just in it for the money. Using Botox can ensure up to four months of youthful looking décolletage.

  • IPL. Aside from Botox, another clinical treatment is Intense Pulse Light skin rejuvenation. This non-invasive treatment is quite popular among people with different skin conditions. People with décolletage skin problems also find this treatment helpful. It can stimulate collage and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Another nonsurgical method is the laser film, which can tighten saggy and wrinkly looking skin.

Invasive Treatments

  • Skin resurfacing. If Botox or IPL does not satisfy you, then you can try standard skin resurfacing. This procedure involves removing the upper layer of skin one layer after another. This is an invasive treatment so you should only consider it as a last resort.

  • Laser surgery. Another invasive treatment is laser surgery which is best for resurfacing skin that is damaged with wrinkles because of excess sun exposure, scarring from acne, and conditions such as crow’s feet. This treatment will not lead to bleeding and will only have minimal trauma.

Invasive treatments should only be done on really deep wrinkles that cannot be healed by creams or non-invasive treatments. If you decide to get an invasive treatment, make sure to visit reputable clinics so that the risks of damaging your skin and putting yourself in danger are low. Check out Laser Clinique, a reputable San Diego medical Spa that can make your skin supple and young-looking in no time.

Even though there are various products to remove lines and wrinkles such as creams and pads or treatments such as the Botox, IPL, laser firm and skin resurfacing, nothing beats prevention versus cure. If you want to avoid old and unpleasant-looking décolletage, you should remove lines and wrinkles or prevent them from appearing as early as possible.

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